@mstred A Software Developer


Last week people got shocked by the news and the announcement of a new airplane crash disaster. Somebody got really sad and bored for life and tried to give it up, bringing down himself and many others who had nothing to do with this mad situation.

This fact leads me to think about some kind of journey that everybody gets to go along in their lives. Life is such an experience of moments happening synchronized through events triggered by any action. You got to make it a better way to get it right.

Everyone is capable to trace a destiny and this brings a lot of responsibilities to any of us. I think we can build a better world with respect to each other and with carefulness. Our journeys are traced together over the cadence of time.

Nothing is perfect and we are not living in an utopia. But I think that a single act of kindness can make a difference and even change the path on the highway of life.