@mstred A Software Developer


Trying to understand what goes behind the monitor screen was exactly the fascination which described my earliest interest in information technology.

I can barely remember how this happened, some time ago. Late 90’s… people were frightened by the threat of the Y2K Problem and some even were afraid the world was going to end. Thankfully, none of that occurred and so here we are.

Back to my history, that was when I actually interacted with a computer for the first time. It was in a personal computer (that kind of all white box computers) at school, fueled by Windows 95 (even with Windows 98 out to market). To have a computer in such time was a privilege to a few ones and that clunky box was the only one at that place.

I didn’t have a clue on how that machine worked and, as a monitor could resemble a TV display, it hasn’t impressed me enough when turned off. But right after boot up, it was such an incredible experience. The magic of software made my eyes shine bright. The first app I started was a classic minesweeper game and even for a simple program, it was amazing to see what that device could do.

A representation of a virtual and wonderful universe has actually presented to me in that moment. Something that has changed my life definitely.